Zhu Xinzhuo, male, born in 1971, native place in Lingbi County, Anhui Province. Career record:Middle school teacher for 4 years,incumbent professor and doctorial supervisor at The School of Education, HUST, member of the Section of Young and Middle-aged Workers of Educational Theory of The Chinese Society of Education.Aug 2016-Aug 2017:Visiting scholar of Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) of the University of Toronto.
His research interests are Basic Theories on Education, Sociology of Education, Teachers’ Education and Theories and Policies on Basic Education. He has published 2 monographs with SDX Joint Publishing Company including Cultural Analysis on Reproductive Function of Rural Education Class in China (2015) and Real Life and Education (2013), and 30 academic papers on CSSCI source journals such as Educational Research, Journal of Higher Education, Educational Research and Experiment etc (1100 total cited papers/times, 35 average cited papers/times), of which 4 papers were reprinted in full text on Xinhua Digest and Renmin University of China Copies.
He is the leader of 2 Research Projects of The National Social Science Fund of China, 1 Ministry of Education Humanities & Social Sciences Research Project, 1 Ministry of Education Philosophy & Social Sciences Post-funded Project, 1 Communist Youth League Central Committee Key Subject Research Project, 2 HUST Arts Key & Interdisciplinary Projects and 3 HUST Fund for Independent Innovation Projects. His current research projects higher than provincial/ministerial levelsinclude: Research Project of The National Social Science Fund of China (Study on the Anxiety of Middle-class Parents about Education in the New Age, approval for initiation in 2018),Ministry of Education Philosophy & Social Sciences Post-funded Project (Participation of Elementary School Students: Theoretical Basis, Measuring Tools and Influencing Factors, approval for initiation in 2019),and Communist Youth League Central Committee Key Subject Research Project (On Standardizing Out-of-school Education and Training of Primary and Middle Schools: International Comparison and China’s Choice, approval for initiation in 2019).
He has been awarded many honorary titles, including the Nominee of National Outstanding PhD Thesis (2009, exclusive work),Second Prize at National Educational Science Research Outstanding Achievement Awards(2011, exclusive contributor),Second Prize at Hubei Social Science Outstanding Achievement Awards(2016, exclusive work),Third Prize at Hubei Social Science Outstanding Achievement Awards(2011, exclusive work),and ThirdPrize at Hubei Social Science Outstanding Achievement Awards(2018, exclusive work, ranked No.1).
His directed Master’s Theses: Cultural Exclusion: The Mechanism of School Education in Reproduction of Social Bottom, authored by Wang Ou in 2012 and Preparation of Questionnaire on Participation of Chinese Elementary School Students in Learning and Development authored by Liu Hanyue in 2016 were chosen as Excellent Master's Degree Thesis in Hubei Province. He was elected as 2013 HUST First Intimate Mentor of Postgraduates.
Contact information:57097061@qq.com.