Yan Zhang
Associate professor
(+86) 151 0710 4427
![35BD9 35BD9](/__local/E/DC/C3/5A20143CE22D17BE9D0FA796DD5_61B4B49F_35BD9.jpg)
PHD :Psychology Basic Psychology, Southwest University, China2012
Visiting scholar: Developmental Psychology,University of Pennsylvania2012
Visiting scholar: Developmental Psychology, Drexel University2011
Master:Psychology Developmental Psychology,Sichuan Normal University (SNU),China2007
Bachelor: Science Printing Engineering ,Hunan University of Technology, China2004
Teaching Experience
Huazhong University of Science and Technology(HUST) ,China
December 2013 to till now
Associate professor, Department of Educational Science
Publications of English (SSCI/SCI/EI)
[1]Zhang, Y., Xiang, Y., Guo., Y, Zhang, L. Beauty-related perceptual bias: Who captures the mind of the beholder?. Brain and Behavior. 2018;e00945.(IF=2.820,SCI)
[2]Zhang, Y., Wang, X., Wang, J., Zhang, L., Xiang, Y. Patterns of eye movements when observers judge female facial attractiveness. Frontiers in psychology,2017, 8:1909. (IF=2.820,SSCIQ1)
[3]Fakhra, Y., Akbar A.,Zhang, Y.(Corresponding author).An Exploration of Learning Styles Preferences of Higher Education Students in Pakistan. International Journal of Learning and Development, 2016, 6 (4): 49-59.
[4]Zhang, Y.,Wei, B., Zhao, P., Zheng M., Zhang L. Gender differences in memory processing of female facial attractiveness: evidence from event-related potentials. Neurocase, 2016, 22(3):317-323. (IF=1.124,SCI)
[5]Zhang, Y., Zheng M., Wang X. Effects of Facial Attractiveness on Personality Stimuli in an Implicit Priming Task: An ERP Study, Neurological Research, 2016, 38(8): 685-691. (IF=1.439,SCI)
[6]Zhang, Y., Kong, F.,Hasan,A. N., Jackson, T.,Chen, H.Recognition memory bias in earthquake-exposed survivors: A behavioral and ERP study. Neuropsychobiology,2015,71(2):70-75. (IF=2.303,SCI).
[7]Zhang, Y., Kong, F.,Han, L., Hasan,A. N.,Chen, H. Attention bias in earthquake-exposed survivors: An event-related potential study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2014, 94(3): 358–364. (IF= 2.648,SSCI &SCI二区)
[8]Zhang, Y., Kong, F., Zhong Y, Kou H.Personality manipulations: Do they modulate facial attractiveness ratings? Personality and Individual Differences, 2014,70(11):80–84. (IF=2.359,SSCIQ2)
[9]Zhang, Y., Kong, F., Chen, H.,Jackson, T., Han, L., Meng, J., Yang,Z., Gao, J., Hasan,A. N.Identifying cognitive preferences for attractive female faces: An ERP experiment using a study-testparadigm.Journal of Neuroscience Research, 2011,89(11):1887–1893. (IF=3.151,SCIQ2)
[10]Zhang, Y., Kong, F., Wang, L., Chen, H., Gao, X., Tan, X.,Chen,H., Lv, J.,&Liu, Y.Mental health and coping styles of children and adolescent survivors one year after the 2008 Chinese earthquake, Children and Youth Services Review, 2010, 32(10): 1403-1409. (IF=1.337,SSCIQ2)
[11]Kong, F.,Zhang, Y., Chen, H. Inhibition Ability of Food Cues between Successful and Unsuccessful Restrained Eaters: A Two-Choice Oddball Task. Plos ONE, 2015,4. (IF=3.534,SCI)
[12]Kong, F.,Zhang, Y.,(Co-first author) Tian Y. Self-relevant beauty evaluation: Evidences from an event-related potentials study, Journal of Integrative Neuroscience,2015,14(1):85-95.(IF=.791,SCI)
[13]Kong, F.,Zhang, Y.,(Co-first author)You, Z., Fan, C., Tian, Y., Zhou, Z. Body dissatisfaction and restrained eating: Mediating effects of self-esteem. Social behavior and personality, 2013, 41(7), 1165-1170. (IF=.366, SSCI)
[14]Kong, F.,Zhang, Y.,(Co-first author)Chen, H.The construct validity of the Restraint Scale among mainland Chinese women. Eating Behaviors, 2013,14: 356-360(IF=1.962, SSCI)
[15]Kong, F.,Zhang, Y.,(Co-first author)Chen, H. ERP differences between processing of physical characteristics and personality attributes. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 2012,8:49-58. (IF=2.385,SCI)
[16]Han,L.,Zhang, Y., Zheng, Y.Responses over time of child and adolescent survivors to the 2008 Wenchuan, China earthquake, Social Behavior and Personality, 2012,40(7):1147-1152. (SSCI)
[17]Huang, S.R.,Zhang, Y.(Corresponding author).Relations of the Subject Well-being,Self-efficacy and the Academic Achievement of College Students.2013 3rd International Conference on Applied Social Science (ICASS 2013). January 15-16, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan. (CPCI-SSH (ISHHP) Index)
[18]Huang, S.R.,Zhang, Y.(Corresponding author).Effect on shaping positive behavior of group counseling in earthquake-exposed college students. International Conference on Psychology, Management and Social Science (PMSS 2013).January 23-24, 2013, Shenzhen, China. (CPCI-SSH (ISHHP))
[19]Kong, F.,Zhang, Y.,(Co-first author)& Chen, H. The self-reference effect in evaluating physical and inner ugliness: An event related-potential study. The 2012 Ninth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'12). May 29-31, 2012, Chongqing, China . (EI and ISTP).
[20]Wei, B.,Zhang, Y.(Co-first author).Event-related potentials (ERPs) to gender differences in encoding processing for female facial attractiveness.The 9th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'12), IEEE Explore. May 29-31, 2012, Chongqing, China .page 2675-2678.(EI and ISTP).
[21]Wei, B., LiB.,Zhang, Y.(Corresponding author).Electrophysiological correlates of processing visual target stimuli during a visual oddball paradigm: an ERP study. The 2nd International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Information Systems, Computing, and Management. December 8-9, 2012, Hangzhou, China. (EI).
[22]Wang, D., An, N.,Zhang, Y.(Corresponding author).The Investigation and Analysis of University Graduates’ Employment Anxiety.2014 4rd International Conference on Applied Social Science (ICASS 2014).March20,2014,Singapore. (CPCI-SSH (ISHHP))